A community response to violence against women.

Contact Kate Mc Carthy or Anita Koppenhofer for free, confidential and non judgemental support.

Anita: anita.koppenhofer@frcsme.ie,

Kate: kate.mccarthy@frcsme.ie


Open 10-5, Monday-Friday.


"When the pain of where you are becomes greater that your actual fear of leaving it. You finally take action".

The Inchicore Outreach Centre offers a FREE & CONFIDENTIAL service that supports and gives information for women experiencing physical, sexual, mental or emotional abuse.

It is a space to be heard. It is a judgment free zone which enables you to share your story and be believed. It is a space for you to explore your options. It is designed to empower you to make your own decisions about what is right for you.

All are welcome.


Women's Empowerment


Men's Development